The Sun Edition 2RBMON 19 JAN 2004, Page Eire 19 'Smash' actor in suicide alert By Richie Taylor A TOP American actor is feared to have committed suicide following a harrowing road smash in Ireland. Writer and comedian Spalding Gray suffered serious injuries in the crash here two years ago. Friends and family say he has been battling depression since then and fear the worst after he tried to commit suicide in 2002. Spalding, 62, famous for his Swimming To Cambodia show, sparked a massive cop hunt when he disappeared from his New York apartment eight days ago. His brother Rockwell Gray said: "He has not been happy for a long period. His mood has not been good since the accident." He added that Spalding, right, has not recovered from his injuries. He was reported missing last Sunday by his wife Kathleen Russo after he failed to turn up at a friend's house the previous night and then didn't board a flight at La Guardia Airport. In the accident, Spalding claimed his hire car was hit head-on by a van that rounded a corner on the wrong side of the road. He included the story of the smash in his stage show Interrupting Life. Last year he told audiences that he was left lying in a pool of blood for an hour before the ambulance service arrived. He said: "My mood has changed because I am depressed. I feel I have been maimed and there is no acknowledgement of it." Section: HOME NEWS © Copyright. All rights reserved. Most articles on Newstext are copyright News Limited. Some copyright is owned by third parties. You may read this article on-screen or print it once for your own personal use. You may not make further copies, forward it by email, post it on an internet or intranet site or make any other use of it without written permission from us. These and any copyright licensing queries should be sent to us at