And Everything is Going Fine

poster copyright by IFC
Washington Square Films presents And Everything is Going Fine
with Spalding Gray
Edited by Susan Littenberg,
Produced by Kathleen Russo, Amy Hobby, Joshua Blum
Music by Forrest Gray, Directed by Steven Soderbergh
This page is about the Documentary And Everything is Going Fine by Steven Soderbergh. The page, links to schedules and reviews remain as up to date as possible and is the most complete information about the film anywhere, period. Information is gathered through google alerts as well as the Producers of the film, IFC and Soberbergh distribution contacts.
The most comprehensive web site about Soderbergh,, recommends as the best source of information on And Everything is Going Fine. Please send all questions etc. to the webmanager of by using the Contact link on this site. Personal review submissions are welcome.
Criterion is releasing And Everything is Going Fine on Blu-ray
on June 19, 2012.
Criterion releases NEW DVDs on Blu-ray:
on DVD And Everything is Going Fine plus extras such as Sex and Death to the Age 14
AND also on DVD, Gray's Anatomy with extras such as A Personal History of the American Theater, a ninety-five-minute monologue and Swimming to the Macula (video of the eye operation Spalding had - not really for the squeamish)
And Everything is Going Fine
"New high-definition digital restoration, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray edition
Making of And Everything Is Going Fine, featuring director Steven Soderbergh, producer Kathie Russo, and editor Susan Littenberg
Sex and Death to the Age 14, Spalding Gray’s first monologue, created in 1979 and filmed in 1982
PLUS: A booklet featuring an essay by writer Nell Casey, editor of The Journals of Spalding Gray "
Suggested list price is $39.95.
There is also an edition with only And Everything is Going Fine for $23.96
Watch And Everything is Going Fine trailer here
And Everything Is Going Fine will screen SUN, FEB 17, 2013 @ 1PM in the Bright Family Screening Room, Boston - Special appearance by Spalding Gray’s wife Kathie Russo (one of the film’s producers), son Forrest Gray (composer of the score) and Mike Daisey following the screening - rare showing and post screening panel.
Jan. 2012 - Now available on NetFlix (Streaming only) and on DVD in Australia Region 4
Producers of And Everything is Going Fine say the the DVD will be released
as part of Box Set released by Criterion sometime in 2012.
As of Oct. 2011, for unknown reasons the first DVD release is the official Australia DVD edition of this film.
This is a PAL/Region 4 DVD WHICH WILL NOT PLAY ON STANDARD US DVD PLAYER-you need a multi-region PAL/NTSC compatible DVD player to view it. Still no word on US/British DVD release.
From the Producers of And Everything is Going Fine:
Independent Film Channel is distributing the film for North America, Magnolia for Foreign distribution (outside North America).
Tribeca Film Interview with Kathleen Russo
by Kristin McCracken
Quote :
"Monologist Spalding Gray's widow Kathleen Russo opens up about his suicide, the 7 years since,
and Steven Soderbergh's new doc about his life.
Amazingly resilient, she's our new hero!"
Spalding Gray's wife speaks out during release of documentary
includes audio of interview with Kathie Russo
Transcription of Interview - thanks to Tom Tangney from
Kathie Russo interview video at Hamptons International Film Festival
Boston Globe interviews Forrest, Kathie, Soderbergh about Forrest's music,Sunset, used in film
And another good interview with Kathie:
BYT interviews Kathie Russo on Spalding Gray
By Zach G
Note that this is as up to date as possible
IFC and Magnolia both help me around the schedule info but please check all upcoming times links for verification.
Please inform me if I have missed a time on the schedule. Fan Reviews are welcome.
And Everything is Going Fine Trailer from IFC
"And everything is going fine except
for the squirrels, the gypsy moths and a pig farmer named Rocky..."
Spalding : "And everything is going fine except this particular day,
it's summer, and we're eating outside, and the only problem is flies.
There's a fly, look out, a fly. Close the door, get out the bomber.
My father got out this big fogger and set it off by the picnic table out back,
and my step-mother, who collects antiques, got out the antique fly gun,
and you pull it back like this,
and you line it up a certain distance from the fly, and if you're, if you're all right,
the thing goes..." (makes noise)
As of Jan. 17, 2011 - the following are the openings/showings of
And Everything Is Going Fine, based on information from IFC and information I have found in Google alerts
The difference indicates the importance of checking local listings
If you find a showing not listed here, please notify me via Contact on this site's sidebar:
Dec. 13th, 2010 - LA
San Antonio and Washington DC,(date of openings unlisted)
and Willamette, OR (Dec. 10)
Sag Harbor (presented by Lesser), 24/12/10
31/12/2010 (opens) - Denver, CO (Denver Film Society) - 01/06/2011 (closes)
31/12/2010 (opens) - Oklahoma City (I think...) - (no closing date or theater address in Review)
3/01/2011 (opens) - Austin, TX (Alamo Ritz)- 5/01/2011 (closes)
7/01/2011 - 2, 5, 8 PM - Savannah, Georgia - (Muse Arts Warehouse)
14/01/2011 (opens) - Seattle (SIFF Cinema) - 20/01/2011 (closes)
14/01/2011 (opens) - Boston - 20/01/2011 (closes) at the Brattle Theater
18/01/2011 (1 NIGHT ONLY) - Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL
Goodman Theatre’s Owen Theatre,
170 N. Dearborn.
Tix are $12 at 312-443-3800.
Tickets are limited and advanced reservations are strongly recommended.
And Everything is Going Fine plays again at the Gene Siskel Film Center, Chicago February 18 - 24 , 2011
21/01/2011 (opens) - Nashville (Belcourt) - 24/01/2011 (closes)
21/01/2011(opons) - Oak Cliffs,TX (Texas Theatre) - 27/01/2011 (closes)
28/01/2011(opens) - Washington, DC (West End Cinema) (3:00 PM, 5:00 PM, 7:30 PM, 9:40 PM) - 03/02/2011(closes)
29/01/2011 (opens) Brooklyn,NY (Indiescreen) - 03/02/2011 (closes)
29/01/2011 (opens) Fort Lauderdale,FL (Cinema Paradiso) - 09/02/11 (closes)
30/01/2011 (opens) Lake Worth,FL (Lake Worth Playhouse) - one day only
01/02/2011 (opens) Brunswick,ME (Frontier Gallery Cinema) - 03/02/2011 (closes)
02/07/2011 (opens) Portland,ME (Space Gallery) - no closing date so may be one night only
03/02/2011 (opens) - Bloomington, IN (IU Cinema)- 02/06/2011 (closes)
04/02/2011 (opens) - Providence, RI (Cable Car Cinema)- (no closing date listed-maybe only one night)
04/02/2011 (opens)- Portland, OR (Northwest Film Center's Whitsell Auditorium ) - 06/02/2011 (closes)
Friday 7PM,Saturday 9PM,Sunday 4:45PM
11/02/2011 (opens) - Hartford, CT (Real Art Ways) - 2/17/2011 (closes)
12/02/2011 (opens) - Las Cruces,NM (Cineport 10) - no closing date so may be one night only
16/02/2011 - Utica,NY (Munson Cinema) - 18/02/2011 (closes)
17/02/2011 - Big Sky Documentary Film Festival - Missoula, Montana - Wilma 1, Thursday February 17 @ 9:45 pm
18/02/2011 - San Francisco,CA (SF Film, Kabuki) - 24/02/2011 (closes)
19/02/2011 - Boulder, Co. (International Film Series)
04/03/2011 - Omaha, NE (Film Streams) Steven Soderbergh Present (part of Soderbergh retrospective
-students free)
06/03/2011 (opens) - Memphis,TN (Memphis Brooks Museum of Arts) - 06/03/2011 (closes)
10/03/2011 (opens) - Toronto, ON (TIFF Bell Lightbox) - 16/03/2011 (closes)
13/03/2011 - Santa Fe, NM (Center for Contempoary Arts) 18/03/2011 (opens) - Columbus, OH (Wexner Center) - 3/19/2011 (closes)
18/03/2011 (opens) - Cleveland,OH (Cleveland Museum of Art) - 20/03/2011 (closes)
24/03/2011 - Duluth,MN (Zinema)
28/03/2011 - Anchorage, AK (Beart Tooth Theater)
Madison, Wisconsin - April 2, 5:30 - April 3, 6:00 - 2011
Monona Terrace
One John Nolen Drive
Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 608.261.4000
03/04/2011 - Madison,WI (Wisconsin Film Festival)
23/04/2011 (opens) - George Easton House, Rochester, NY - 24/04/2011 (closes)
Part of a Spalding Gray Retrospective : Rochester, NY
George Easton House, Dryden Theater
900 East Avenue
Rochester NY
April 12, 2011 (8 pm) - MONSTER IN A BOX
April 19, 2011 (8pm) - KING OF THE HILL
April 22, 2011 (8 pm) & 24 (4:30 pm) - AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE
April 23, 2011 (8 pm) & 24 (7 pm) -SWIMMING TO CAMBODIA
05/08/2011 - Bellingham,WA (Pickford Film Festival)
05/16/2011 - Rhinebeck/Woodstock (Upstate Films)
May 29 - 31, 2011 - 7:10 & 9 PM - Victoria, BC - Cinecenta
08/06/2011 - Honolulu,HI (Doris Duke Theater)
Minnesota, The Trylon Sept. 13th, 2011 - 7/9 PM
Theatre Gigante: "Shades of Gray: A Celebration of Spalding Gray"
Wednesday, October 26, 2011 - Book Event (Journals of Spalding Gray) at Boswell Book Company, 6:30pm - Kathie Russo signing
Thursday, October 27, 20111 - Stories Left to Tell with Opening Night Party (Kathie Russo present) - 7:30pm
Friday, October 28, 2011 - Stories Left to Tell with Kathie Russo Talkback - 7:30pm
Saturday, October 29, 2011 - And Everything is Going Fine - 4:00pm
Interview with Kathie Russo and Stories Left To Tell - 6:30pm.
Sunday, October 30, 2011 And Everything is Going Fine - 2:00pm
Locations and Tickets here
And Everything Is Going Fine will screen SUN, FEB 17, 2013 @ 1PM in the Bright Family Screening Room, Boston - Special appearance by Spalding Gray’s wife Kathie Russo (one of the film’s producers), son Forrest Gray (composer of the score) and Mike Daisey following the screening - rare showing and post screening panel.
Wednesday, December 8 - Thursday, December 9, 2010 at IFC, NYC
323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street - (212) 924-7771
A two-night program of rare screenings of the work of the famed writer and performer.
Steven Soderbergh’s portrait of Gray, AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE, opens December 10.
Wednesday, December 8 at 7:30
The filmed version of the Tony Award-winning production of OUR TOWN (1989, Kirk Browning)
a long-running Broadway hit staging of Thornton Wilder’s iconic American play, directed by Gregory Mosher and starring Spalding Gray as the stage manager.
Other cast members include Eric Stoltz and Penelope Ann Miller.
Mr. Mosher will discuss the film;
other special guests include Kathie Russo, Gray’s widow and producer of AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE; and Amy Hobby, also a producer of the new film.
Purchase tickets online
Thursday, December 9 at 7:30
Three rare screenings: TERRORS OF PLEASURE (1988, Thomas Schlamme), a 60-minute monologue written and performed by Gray;
A LIFE IN PROGRESS (1985, Robbie Henson), a 30-minute portrait of the artist;
and a special trailer for Joe Berlinger and Bruce Sinofsky’s BROTHER’S KEEPER that consists of a brief monologue performed by Spalding Gray. Joe Berlinger will appear to discuss working with Gray; Ms. Russo and Ms. Hobby will also be in attendance.
Purchase tickets online
'Fine' will officially open in NYC on Dec.10,2010
323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street,NYC - (212) 924-7771
and LA on Dec.13, 2010
Here is the recent press release from IFC (I got it Nov. 15, 2010):
Official Selection: Edinburgh Film Festival, Slamdance Film Festival, True/False Film Festival, SXSW Film Festival, Hamptons Film Festival
AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE A Film by Steven Soderbergh Soderbergh’s Portrait of Spalding Gray, Told through Gray’s Own Performances, Opens Friday, December 10 at IFC Center
Special Screenings of Gray’s Films Presented in Days Preceding Opening
AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE, Stephen Soderbergh’s incisive and entertaining portrait of Spalding Gray, opens for an exclusive engagement at IFC Center on Friday, December 10. In anticipation of the opening, IFC Center will also screen a selection of Gray’s films the week of December 6, with special guests in person to introduce those shows (screening schedule to be announced November 22).
AND EVERYTHING IS GOING FINE provides an intimate look at master monologist Spalding Gray, as described by his most critical, irreverent and insightful biographer: Spalding Gray. Director Steven Soderbergh, who collaborated with Gray on the film adaptation of his celebrated Gray’s Anatomy (1996), has distilled 25 years of rare and revealing footage to construct a riveting final monologue. There are glimpses of Gray’s father and of his son Forrest (who provides soaring music for the end credits), but for the most part this is an inspired one-man show, a bittersweet display of the writer-performer’s playful and embattled intelligence, his gift for tracking universal truths by looking himself squarely in the eye.
“At the very first meeting I had with Steven to discuss making the film, he said ‘I want Spalding to tell the story of Spalding,’” notes Kathleen Russo, Gray’s widow and one of the producers of the film. “After that, there was no question in my mind about anyone else directing this movie. So I handed him 120 hours of Spalding footage, which became a 90-minute documentary, all told by Spalding through the eyes of Steven Soderbergh. This is a labor of love between the director, the editor, the producers and the family of Spalding Gray—a collaboration whose main goal was to have one more story be told by one of the most unique monologists of our time.”
Spalding Gray is most celebrated for his series of 18 monologues, including Sex and Death to the Age 14; Booze, Cars and College Girls; A Personal History of the American Theater; India and After (America); Monster in a Box; Gray’s Anatomy; It’s a Slippery Slope; Morning, Noon and Night and the Obie Award-winning Swimming to Cambodia. He performed with The Performance Group and The Wooster Group, and on Broadway in plays by Gore Vidal, Thornton Wilde and others. In addition to the film adaptations of his own works—among them Swimming to Cambodia, directed by Jonathan Demme, and Monster in a Box, directed by Nick Broomfield—Gray appeared in more than 40 films, including Roland Joffe’s The Killing Fields; David Byrne’s True Stories; Soderbergh’s King of the Hill and John Boorman’s Beyond Rangoon.
89 min., not rated.
An IFC Films release.
As of Nov. 14 2010 there still may be some changes to both domestic and foreign showings of
And Everything is Going Fine:
1) IFC confirms only the theatrical showing Dec. 10 in NYC and LA
yet San Antonio and Washington DC,and LA and Willamette, OR have listings that IFC does seem to know about
so Opening will be more general. Check you local movie listings. See above for Washington showings
announced later.
IFC On Demand available Dec. 22nd, 2010-Mar. 22nd, 2011 -
See IFC On Demand for way to search your area for provider.
2) Magnolia also appears unclear about foreign showings as
Sheffield Festival, though listed by Magnolia as ACCEPTED, had no knowledge of the submission
Therefore, all foreign showings listed below should be carefully checked using the links
before any attendance is anticipated.
I continue to have contact with as many sources as possible to keep the listings current and correct
Your patience, as we have been waiting years for this film, is appreciated.
And Everything is Going Fine in Memphis, TN
at Indie Memphis Film Festival, Oct. 21 - 24, 2010
Kathie Russo, who will host a 4 p.m. Oct. 23 Playhouse on the Square showing
in San Antonoio, Texas, opens Dec. 10, 2010 - the link has all information available as of Oct. 26th, 2010
and in Wahington Dec. 10th as well
(no word on Kathie Russo attendance in San Antonio or Wahington as NYC opening same night)
again note that NYC opening is same date:
IFC Center 323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street,NYC - (212) 924-7771
and The Gateway Cinephile Festival in St. Louis, Nov. 14, 2010
INTERNATIONAL SHOWINGS of And Everything is Going Fine as of Oct. 3rd, 2010
(Please check links for festival updates as some status is SUBMITTED = not yet confirmed,
PASSED means submitted but not accepted). Also foreign schedule subject to change.
Thank you to Magnolia Pictures and the Estate of Spalding Gray for their work and information
Edinburgh International Film Festival (Scotland) June 16-27, 21010 - ACCEPTED
Filmfest Munchen (Germany) June 25 - July 3, 2010 - ACCEPTED
Deauville Festival of American Cinema (France) September 3 - 12, 2010 - PASSED
Batumi International Film Festival (Georgia) September 15 - 28, 2010 - INVITED
Cologne Conference (Germany) September 26 - October 1, 2010 - ACCEPTED
AmFest (Russia) October 6 - 12, 2010 - ACCEPTED
Viennale (Austria) October 2010 - PASSED
Pusan International Film Festival (South Korea) October 7 - 15, 2010 - PASSED
Dok Leipzig (Germany) October 18 - 24, 2010 - PASSED
American Film Festival (Poland) October 20 - 24, 2010 - INVITED
Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan) October 22 - November 4, 2010 - PASSED
Tokyo International Film Festival (Japan) October 23 - 31, 2010 - PASSED
CNEX Documentary Festival (Taiwan) October 28 - November 7, 2010 - ACCEPTED
Sheffield Doc Fest (UK) November 3 -7, 2010 -PASSED
CPH: DOX (Denmark) November 4-14, 2010 - ACCEPTED
Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival (Taiwan) November 4 - 18, 2010 - PASSED
Stockholm International Film Festival (Sweden) November 17 - 28, 2010 - PASSED
IDFA (Netherlands) November 18 - 28, 2010 - PASSED
Epos Art Film Fest (Israel) November 24 - 27, 2010 - INVITED
Plus CAMERIMAGE (Poland) November 27 - December 4, 2010 - PASSED
Dubai International Film Festival (United Arab Emirates) December 12 - 19, 2010 - PASSED
Unknown Pleasures (Germany) Jan. 1-14, 2011 - INVITED
DocPoint - Helsinki International Documentary Film Festival (Finland) January 25 - 30, 2011 - SUBMITTED
Play-doc International Documentary Film Festival (Spain) March 30-April 3, 2011 - SUBMITTED
Off Plus Camera International Film Festival (Poland) April 2011 - SUBMITTED
Indie Lisboa (Portugal) May 5 - 15, 2011 - SUBMITTED
London International Documentary Film Festival, 5 May - 15 May 2011 - ACCEPTED
Barbican Centre, 15 May 2011 8:00 pm
The Holland Festival, in Amsterdam (the most prestigious arts festival in the Netherlands)
presents the Dutch première of And Everything is Going Fine,
with Kathie Russo and Forrest Gray in attendance
as well as Swimming to Cambodia and Gray's Anatomy. June 10 to 13, 2011 - more info here
Thank you to Jan van den Berg for his work on these showings
Scenes From A Life: Spalding Gray as Himself … and Not
- an interview with Kathie Russo about And Everything Is Going Fine - EXCELLENT
including 'opens nationally on December 10, 2010 and will continue to be screened at festivals overseas until next May'
- Spoiler alert as many scenes in the film are discussed
- opening confrimed with Estate, address is: IFC Center 323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street - (212) 924-7771
From The East Hampton Press & The Southampton Press - excellent article on And Everything Is Going Fine
From Dan', another excellent article about Spalding and And Everything is Going Fine
And Everything is Going Fine showings at Hamtons International Film Festival
Oct 08, 6:45PM, UA East Hampton Theater 3
Mon, Oct 11, 2:00PM UA, East Hampton Theater 3
"As Ms. Russo put it, the Hamptons International Film Festival will be quite “a family affair.”
Forrest, already an accomplished musician, wrote the score for “And Everything Is Going Fine,”
while his younger brother, Theo, stars in another film, “The Blue Eyed Boy,” which will be screened at the festival on Monday.
Ms. Russo herself will make an appearance at a question-and-answer session following Mr. Soderbergh’s film,
which is to be screened in East Hampton on Friday, October 8, at 6:45 p.m. and on Monday at 2 p.m."
Note: Theo's film "The Blue Eyed Boy" is not listed on - details on this short are on
And remember, reviews are most welcome for this Spalding Gray Site - see reviews
Q&A with Steven Soderbergh & Screening of And Everything is Going Fine - August 3rd, 2010, New Orleans.
Rare opportunity as Soderbergh in attendance. Only previous appearance was in NYC.
In Australia! In Melbourne! And Everything is Going Fine
Sun 25 Jul 4:45 PM Greater Union Cinema 5
11:30 PM Greater Union Cinema 5
Munich Festival showings:
Munich Schedule Announced:
Wednesday, 30.06.2010 17:30
Gasteig – Vortragssaal der Bibliothek
Saturday, 03.07.2010 17:30
Edinburgh Film Festival Schedule of And Everything is Going Fine
June 19, 2010 18:30
June 20, 2010 18:30
SPECIAL FEATURE: Kathie Russo (Producer) and Forrest Gray (Soundtrack) in attendance at both screenings
At the NYC premiere of Fine (which seems to be catching on as title), with Soderbergh in attendance,
the Programmer is reported as saying
And Everything is Going Fine will find a wider release this fall, 2010
Does that mean a release deal is in place??? Ohhh, we hope so as that would be Fine...
International Premiere of And Everything is Going Fine will be at Hot Docs in Toronto, Canada
Fri, April 30, 2010 6:30 pm
Sat, May 01, 2010 1:45 pm
More showings for And Everything is Going Fine
- Sarasota - Saturday, April 17th, 2010 5:15 PM, Sunday, April 18th, 2010 2:30 PM
- Maryland
Steven Soderbergh’s documentary “And Everything is Going Fine”
will launch the thirteenth season of the IFC Center’s Stranger Than Fiction (STF) weekly documentary film series,
on April 6th, 2010.
Soderbegh will be in attendance for the kick-off of the series, which runs every Tuesday night through June 8.
Each film screened will feature a Q&A with the filmmakers, followed by drinks at Alibi Lounge.
323 Sixth Avenue at West Third Street,NYC | (212) 924-7771
- Durham, NC
REVIEWS (the Reviews I consider the very best are marked EXCELLENT) my decisions are subjective at best...
Note: all reviews may contain 'spoilers'...
Spalding Gray's wife speaks out during release of documentary
includes audio of interview with Kathie Russo - EXCELLENT
Transcription of Interview - thanks to Tom Tangney from
Making memories matter
Kathie Russo in conversation about And Everything Is Going Fine
by Chris Docker
Interview/article with Forrest Gray and Kathie Russo in Boston re Forrest's music school/ And Everything is Going Fine
Scenes From A Life: Spalding Gray as Himself … and Not by Annette Hinkle
for sagharboronline
The Best Text Review yet - from - EXCELLENT
In New Film, Spalding Gray Tells His Own Tale - The Best Audio Review (includes Transcript) - EXCELLENT
with excerpts from the film as well as comments by Kathie Russo and Steven Soderbergh
LA Weekly
Review/Story by Louis Proyect
Current Movie Reviews
Spalding Gray's Farewell Performance in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Huff Post Review
Spalding Gray in His Own Words, One Last Time in the L Magazine
Spalding Gray in His Own Words in The Village Voice
‘Everything Is Going Fine’: The Life Of Spalding Gray by KOSU, NPR
The Enduring Influence of Spalding Gray at
Visiting an Ordinarily Unique Artist - NY Times
Steven Soderbergh's portrait of Spalding Gray, in the late memoirist's own words in LAWEEKLY
Dead Poets Society by Steve Dollar for GreenCine Daily
And the list of the most complete reviews provided by IFC:
Rotten Tomatoes review
Review in Fanzine by Theresa Smalec (contains what some people may see as Spoiler details) - EXCELLENT
Australian Review of And Everything is Going Fine
Reviews of And Everything is Going Fine from Edinburgh Festival:
Life's Work: "And Everything is Going Fine"
Soderbergh on the Death of Spalding Gray - EXCELLENT
A superb review of And Everything is Going Fine by Theresa Smalec at the is more scholastic essay than review - EXCELLENT
As such, it contains many parts of the film, including the beginning and end,
which some fans may regard as spoilers
for those eager to see this film, they are teasers
Theresa unknownly did the last interview with Spalding which is also superb and is listed under Books on this site. Note the assistance of photographers of Clay Walker and Ali Hossaini
And another great review I found today from The Documentary Blog.
Here is my personal brief review of And Everything is Going Fine with a transcript of the 'and everything is going fine' segment - description of Spalding's Dad's new house (.doc) - Transcript of excerpt is strictly copyrighted by the Estate of Spalding Gray/Steven Soderbergh
MORE REVIEWS of And Everything is Going Fine : (most recent are generally last listed)
Josh Olson's Day 3 at SXSW: Soderbergh's EVERYTHING IS FINE
- a very good review and story - EXCELLENT
- and Landon Palmer's excellent review SXSW Review: And Everything is Going Fine
- and the Hollywood Reporter at SXSW
- and a good review in the Huffington Post
- and an excellent review of Everything in the Boise weekly by Gavin Dahl - EXCELLENT
- and the Indu Subaiya review
- and Fine liked at Full Frame in Durham, NC and by Slant Magazine at Full Frame
- and the Sarasota Film Festival Review in the Herald Tribune (spoiler of ending)
- and another good review from Full Frame by Katie Review's Blog - EXCELLENT
- Review by Tavis Smiley
- SBS Film Review
rock nyc - music live & recorded - music live & recorded - contains possible video spoiler of end of And Everything is Going Fine and contains pop up ad
And Everything is Going Fine
By Cynthia Fuchs
15 December 2010 PopMatters Film and TV Editor
- a very interesting review, perhaps with some minor inaccuracies, contains definite spoilers of film's content
The Talking Cure?: 'And Everything Is Going Fine' -
The Top 10 Films of 2010 That You Never Heard Of -
A review of 'Fine' watched on IFC ON Demand by Ardent Henry on his blog
Soderbergh on Spalding Gray - Review by Daniel Metz for
Movie review: Director Soderbergh presents a final act for late monologist Spalding Gray
- The Denver Post
Sundance Channel Review
Please And Thank You: The Best Films Of 2010 ('Fine' makes it!) - by Paul Matwychuk
Top 10 Documentaries, 2010 - Official AUTEUR MARK Film Blog
My Top Ten Cinematic Experiences of 2010 | #5 And Everything is Going Fine… At Slamdance from
BEST OF 2010: Cinema Jukebox Edition
by Vadim Rizov
The Blurst of Flames:2010 in Review by Joseph Jon Lanthier
And Everything is Going Fine makes it at #3
The Poster makes the Top Ten for 2010 on PlayStation Blog
A last Goodman word from Spalding Gray: 'And Everything Is Going Fine - Chicago Tribune Review
And Everything Is Going Fine': Spalding Gray at his eloquent, daring best in documentary
From the Seattle Times
Exit Talking from
Spalding Gray in ‘Fine’ form in from Everett, WA
And Everything Is Going Fine: The Spalding Gray Portfolio
Spalding Gray delivers his own eulogy in Steven Soderbergh’s moving doc
And Everything Is Going Fine from The Washington Post
Interview (short) with Kathie Russo from The Washington Post:
Carthasis Through Cinema: Kathleen Russo, 'And Everything Is Going Fine'
And Everything Is Going to Be Fine, Reviewed from
Poetic Journalism - Steven Soderbergh and Spalding Gray Team up Again
from Portland MERCURY
Review: Spalding Gray anatomizes himself in 'And Everything Is Going Fine'
Saturday Night At The Movies, Double Feature: The weight of water
By Dennis Hartley
(note that the review web page appears very wide, but it is a good read, especially:
"For Gray’s fans, Soderbergh’s film could be what the Beatles Anthology was to Fab Four aficionados
-a masterfully edited and chronologically assembled compendium of clips from TV interviews and performance
excerpts spanning the breadth of his career...")
Death Became Them
New documentaries remember Phil Ochs and Spalding Gray
'And Everything Is Going Fine' review: melancholy - EXCELLENT
by Walter Addiego,
New Haven Review by Jonathan Kiefer - EXCELLENT
Cineast by David Sterritt
Jeremy Hatch comments on his personal emotions about And Everything is Going Fine
Silent Volume - a blog by Chris Edwards
Toronto Star review
Globe and Mail review (Canada) review (Toronto)
Now magazine (Toronto) review
CANOE review by Liz Braun review
Other Reviews listed at - scroll down (virtually all postive
except for idiot at New York Post)
The first full length review is in for And Everything is Going Fine
and it's FANTASTIC - congrats to Soderbergh, Kathie and Forrest...and Spalding...
and the Voice also likes it
Ever wonder like me where the title And Every Thing is Going Fine orginates...
I guess when you've seen the Film,
you would know. Thanks to Gavin Dahl for the excellent review:
"A story about going to visit his (Spalding's) father and stepmother included the passage, "And everything is going fine, except ..." as a dozen annoyances get in the way of their meal."
Additional reviews by fans, blogs, reporters are welcome. Use the Contact link on the Sidebar of this site. Thank you.
webmaster / webmanager