Spud Homage

Logo © Sierra Nevada, used with their kind permission
No ad fees whatsoever are received from Sierra Nevada
This was Spalding's favorite beer, see www.sierranevada.com for their amazing story and pure ingredients, as well as distribution centers so you too can enjoy a fine beverage.
Spalding Commemorated in Washington Square Park
Thank you to Brian Dube at www.newyorkdailyphoto.blogspot.com for use of the photo:
In Memory of
Note from Webmaster: I think the tree is a white birch(?). Please send me an email if you can take other pics for me. I'd like to start a gallery of pictures from say different angles/close up of plaque. Also I would like a few seeds from the tree...
Spalding Commemorated in Tompkins Square Park
Photos © Russ Smith - special thanks to Russ for making the special trip to take these photos.
the self-portrait quoted on Spalding's tombstone:
'Inner-directed, troubled and can-not type'
Photo of Cemetery by Fred Saar. Thanks to James Bankston for the research.
Spalding Gray
June 5, 1941 - Jan. 10,2004
Beloved Husband, Father, Husband and Friend
"An American Original, Troubled, Inner-Directed, and Can-Not Type"
SG, 1997
Photo of grave stone copyright by William Demastes from Spalding Gray's America
(all pictures used with permission and strictly copyrighted)
Remembering Spalding
The NYC Memorial, April 13th, 2004
Update - April 27, 2004: I am very excited today, I am posting Day 1 of my diary. Periodic updates will mean more days. Just click on the day, and up comes that day's story. Best to be read out loud. If you like it, tell me, your friends (especially agents and publishers), and consider a donation to the Spalding Gray Memorial Scholarship fund.
The Program
(The holes and wrinkles were caused by a thunderstorm, walking from 51st to 59th after Memorial!)
Update - March 8, 2004: Today they found the body of Spalding Gray in the East River where the Staten Island ferry crosses.
I sent this zencard to his family:
"I guess perhaps you wondered what you would do today. I wondered what i would say. I really have nothing to say except Spalding was a sage crossing the river, and fortunately for many, he left some brilliance behind before crossing over..."
found your body today
now we know you're away
for us you will stay...In thought with you and your family...
To Russ C. Smith of Chocolate Media, thank you for sharing your poem Finding Gray:
Musical artist Bob Egan presents
Spalding's Lament
(note that link back form Maple Music to spaldinggray.com is down)
on his solo album The Glorious Decline